Need ScrapingHub/Splash Advice? We’ve Got You Covered!
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Need ScrapingHub/Splash Advice? We’ve Got You Covered!

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If you’re here, chances are you’re stuck with ScrapingHub and Splash, and you need some expert advice to get your web scraping project back on track. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of ScrapingHub and Splash, providing you with clear instructions and explanations to help you overcome common obstacles and get the most out of these powerful tools.

What is ScrapingHub?

ScrapingHub is a cloud-based web scraping platform that allows you to extract data from websites and store it in a structured format. It’s a popular choice among developers, researchers, and businesses due to its ease of use, scalability, and reliability. With ScrapingHub, you can focus on building your project without worrying about the complexities of web scraping.

What is Splash?

Splash is a JavaScript rendering service provided by ScrapingHub. It’s a lightweight, headless browser that allows you to render web pages in a virtual browser, making it ideal for web scraping. Splash is particularly useful when dealing with websites that use a lot of JavaScript, as it can execute the scripts and load the page as a real user would.

Why Use ScrapingHub and Splash?

So, why use ScrapingHub and Splash? Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Easy to use**: ScrapingHub provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing your web scraping projects. Splash, on the other hand, is a simple, yet powerful rendering service that can be easily integrated with ScrapingHub.
  • Scalability**: ScrapingHub can handle large-scale web scraping projects with ease, making it perfect for businesses and researchers who need to extract large amounts of data.
  • Reliability**: Both ScrapingHub and Splash are built with reliability in mind. You can expect high uptime and fast response times, even when dealing with complex web scraping projects.

Common Issues with ScrapingHub and Splash

While ScrapingHub and Splash are powerful tools, they can be tricky to use, especially for beginners. Here are some common issues you might encounter:

  1. Rendering issues**: Splash can struggle to render certain web pages, particularly those with complex JavaScript or heavy use of Ajax.
  2. Data extraction**: ScrapingHub can have trouble extracting data from web pages with dynamic content or anti-scraping measures in place.
  3. Performance issues**: Large-scale web scraping projects can put a strain on your resources, leading to slow performance and high costs.

Solving Rendering Issues with Splash

Rendering issues with Splash can be frustrating, but there are some simple solutions to get you back on track:

import splash

splash.set_viewport_size(1024, 768)  # Set the viewport size to match the target website
splash.set_user_agent('Mozilla/5.0')  # Set a user agent to mimic a real browser
splash.wait(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds to allow the page to fully load

In this example, we’re setting the viewport size to match the target website, setting a user agent to mimic a real browser, and waiting for 2 seconds to allow the page to fully load. These simple tweaks can make a big difference in getting Splash to render web pages correctly.

Extracting Data with ScrapingHub

Data extraction can be a challenge with ScrapingHub, but there are some strategies to help you get the data you need:

Strategy Description
Use CSS selectors Use CSS selectors to target specific elements on the web page. These are fast and efficient, making them ideal for large-scale web scraping projects.
Use XPath expressions Use XPath expressions to target specific elements on the web page. These are more flexible than CSS selectors and can be used to extract data from complex web pages.
Use regular expressions Use regular expressions to extract data from web pages with unstructured data. These are particularly useful when dealing with web pages that use a lot of JavaScript or Ajax.

In this example, we’re using CSS selectors to extract data from a web page. You can use ScrapingHub’s built-in editor to write and test your CSS selectors, making it easy to extract data from even the most complex web pages.

Optimizing Performance with ScrapingHub and Splash

Large-scale web scraping projects can be resource-intensive, leading to slow performance and high costs. Here are some tips to optimize performance with ScrapingHub and Splash:

  • Use a distributed architecture**: Use ScrapingHub’s distributed architecture to split your web scraping project across multiple nodes, making it faster and more efficient.
  • Optimize your Splash settings**: Optimize your Splash settings to reduce the load on your resources. You can do this by reducing the viewport size, turning off JavaScript, or using a faster rendering engine.
  • Use caching**: Use caching to store extracted data and reduce the number of requests made to the target website. This can significantly improve performance and reduce costs.

In this example, we’re using ScrapingHub’s distributed architecture to split our web scraping project across multiple nodes. This allows us to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, making it ideal for businesses and researchers who need to extract data at scale.


ScrapingHub and Splash are powerful tools for web scraping, but they can be tricky to use, especially for beginners. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can overcome common issues and get the most out of these tools. Remember to use CSS selectors, XPath expressions, and regular expressions to extract data, optimize your Splash settings, and use a distributed architecture to improve performance. With practice and patience, you’ll be extracting data like a pro in no time!

Do you have any questions about ScrapingHub and Splash? Share them in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to help!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get expert advice on ScrapingHub and Splash to scrape the web like a pro!

What is ScrapingHub and how does it relate to Splash?

ScrapingHub is a cloud-based web scraping platform that provides a scalable and reliable way to extract data from websites. Splash is a JavaScript rendering service that allows you to scrape dynamic websites that use a lot of JavaScript. Think of Splash as a browser in a container that ScrapingHub uses to render and scrape websites that would be difficult or impossible to scrape with traditional methods.

How do I get started with ScrapingHub and Splash?

Sign up for a ScrapingHub account and follow their getting started guide. You’ll need to set up a project, create a spider, and configure Splash to render the website you want to scrape. If you’re new to web scraping, it’s a good idea to start with some online tutorials or courses to learn the basics.

What kind of websites can I scrape with ScrapingHub and Splash?

You can scrape virtually any website with ScrapingHub and Splash, including dynamic websites that use a lot of JavaScript, like Airbnb, Amazon, or Facebook. Just keep in mind that some websites may have terms of service that prohibit web scraping, so be sure to check the website’s robots.txt file and terms of service before you start scraping.

How do I handle anti-scraping measures with ScrapingHub and Splash?

ScrapingHub provides a range of tools and features to help you handle anti-scraping measures, such as user-agent rotation, IP rotation, and custom cookies. You can also use Splash to render websites in a way that mimics a real user, making it harder for websites to detect that you’re scraping them.

What kind of support does ScrapingHub offer for Splash?

ScrapingHub offers 24/7 support for Splash, including email support, online documentation, and a community forum. They also have a team of experts who can help you troubleshoot any issues you encounter while scraping with Splash.