Demystifying the “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” Error
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Demystifying the “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” Error

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in the trenches of a MongoDB configuration nightmare. The error “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” can be frustrating, to say the least. But fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the causes, symptoms, and – most importantly – the solutions to this pesky issue.

What’s behind the error?

Before we dive into the fixes, it’s essential to understand what’s causing the error in the first place. The “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” error typically occurs when your MongoDB driver is unable to resolve the TXT record for a given host. But what does that even mean?

TXT Records 101

A TXT (Text) record is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that contains human-readable text information about a domain or host. In the context of MongoDB, TXT records are used to store configuration data, such as the replica set name, mongod version, and other metadata.

When you connect to a MongoDB instance, the driver needs to perform a DNS lookup to resolve the host’s TXT record. If the TXT record is missing, malformed, or inaccessible, the driver will throw the “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” error.

Symptoms and Variations

The error message “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” can manifest in different ways, depending on your environment and configuration. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Connecting to a local MongoDB instance:

    com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host localhost:27017

  • Connecting to a remote MongoDB instance:

    com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host

  • Using a MongoDB Atlas cluster:

    com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host

Solution 1: Verify DNS Resolution

The first step in resolving the error is to ensure that DNS resolution is working correctly for your host. You can use tools like `dig` or `nslookup` to verify that the TXT record exists and is resolvable:

$ dig +short TXT _mongodb._tcp(

$ nslookup -type=txt

Non-authoritative answer:  text = "replicaSet=Cluster0Shard0"

If the TXT record is missing or corrupted, you’ll need to fix your DNS configuration or consult with your DNS administrator.

Solution 2: Check MongoDB Configuration

MongoDB configuration issues can also cause the “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” error. Make sure that:

  • Your MongoDB instance is properly configured and running.

  • The `mongod` process is listening on the correct port (typically 27017).

  • The `replicaSet` name is correctly configured in your `mongod` configuration file (e.g., `mongod.conf` on Linux or `mongod.cfg` on Windows).

Solution 3: Update MongoDB Driver

Outdated MongoDB drivers can cause compatibility issues, including the “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” error. Ensure that you’re running the latest version of the MongoDB driver for your programming language:

Language Driver Version
Java mongodb-driver-sync (3.12.10 or later)
Python pymongo (3.12.0 or later)
Node.js mongodb (3.6.4 or later)

Solution 4: Disable DNS Lookup (Workaround)

In some cases, you might need to disable DNS lookup altogether. This can be done by setting the `dnsLookup` option to `false` in your MongoDB connection string:


Keep in mind that disabling DNS lookup can have implications for your application’s security and scalability.


The “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” error can be a puzzling and frustrating issue. However, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying cause of the error. Remember to verify DNS resolution, check your MongoDB configuration, update your MongoDB driver, and consider disabling DNS lookup as a last resort. Happy coding!

If you’re still struggling with this error, feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to help you out.

Frequently Asked Question

MongoDB throwing a tantrum? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to your burning questions about the dreaded “com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Failed looking up TXT record for host” error.

What does this error even mean?

This error occurs when your MongoDB driver is trying to connect to a replica set or a cluster, but it can’t find the necessary TXT records in your DNS. Think of TXT records like little notes that help the driver figure out where to find your MongoDB nodes. Without them, it’s like trying to find a specific house without a street address – it’s just not gonna happen!

Why is MongoDB looking for TXT records in the first place?

MongoDB uses TXT records to automate the discovery of replica set members and their configurations. It’s like a little cheat sheet that helps the driver figure out who’s who in the cluster. This way, you don’t have to manually configure each node’s connection details. Isn’t automation lovely?

How do I fix this error?

First, make sure you’ve correctly set up your DNS infrastructure. You’ll need to create TXT records for each node in your replica set or cluster. These records should contain the node’s connection details, like its hostname and port. If you’re using a cloud provider, check their documentation for specific instructions on setting up TXT records. And if you’re still stuck, try digging through MongoDB’s documentation on TXT record configuration.

What if I’m using a MongoDB Atlas cluster?

If you’re using MongoDB Atlas, you don’t need to worry about setting up TXT records manually. Atlas takes care of that for you! However, you still need to ensure that your DNS infrastructure is properly configured to allow the MongoDB driver to resolve the connection details. Check the Atlas documentation for more information on connecting to your cluster.

Is there a way to disable this TXT record lookup?

Yes, you can disable the TXT record lookup by setting the `retryWrites=false` option in your MongoDB connection string. However, keep in mind that this will disable automatic discovery of replica set members, and you’ll need to manually specify the connection details for each node. Not recommended, but sometimes necessary!

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