Next.js 14 Router Push from next/navigation: Unraveling the Mystery
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Next.js 14 Router Push from next/navigation: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of scratching your head over why the Next.js 14 router push from next/navigation doesn’t work as the Link component? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this issue, and it’s time to shine some light on this pesky problem.

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly recap the difference between `router.push` and the `Link` component.

  • router.push: A method provided by Next.js to programmatically navigate to a new URL. It’s typically used when you need to redirect the user based on some conditional logic or API responses.
  • Link component: A built-in component in Next.js that allows you to create client-side links between pages. It’s used to create anchor tags (<a>) that enable client-side routing.

In most cases, you’d expect `router.push` to work similarly to the `Link` component, but that’s not always the case in Next.js 14.

The Issue: router.push from next/navigation Fails to Work

When you try to use `router.push` from the `next/navigation` module, you might encounter an issue where it doesn’t work as expected. This is because `next/navigation` uses a different underlying mechanism to handle navigation, which can cause conflicts with the `router` instance.

Here’s an example of the issue:

import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const router = useRouter();

  const handleClick = () => {

  return (
); };

In this example, clicking the button should redirect the user to the `/about` page. However, you might find that it doesn’t work, or it redirects to a different page altogether.

Why Does it Happen?

The issue arises because `next/navigation` uses a new navigation API that’s incompatible with the `router` instance from `next/router`. When you use `router.push` from `next/navigation`, it tries to use the new navigation API, which doesn’t work as expected.

To understand why, let’s take a closer look at the new navigation API in Next.js 14.

New Navigation API in Next.js 14

In Next.js 14, the navigation API has undergone significant changes. The new API is designed to provide better performance, improved error handling, and enhanced security features.

One of the key differences is the introduction of a new ` Navigation` object, which replaces the traditional `router` instance. The `Navigation` object provides a more explicit way of handling navigation, allowing you to define custom navigation behaviors.

However, this new API can cause conflicts with the `router` instance, leading to issues like the one we’re discussing.

Solution: Using the Correct Router Instance

So, how can you make `router.push` work correctly from `next/navigation`? The solution is surprisingly simple.

Instead of using the `router` instance from `next/navigation`, you need to import the `useRouter` hook from `next/router` and use that instance.

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const router = useRouter();

  const handleClick = () => {

  return (
); };

By using the `useRouter` hook from `next/router`, you can ensure that you’re working with the correct `router` instance, which is compatible with the `router.push` method.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with `router.push` and the `Link` component:

  • When using `router.push`, make sure you’re using the correct URL format. If you’re trying to navigate to a relative URL, use the `url` prop instead of the `pathname` prop.
  • Avoid using `router.push` in conjunction with the `Link` component. Instead, use the `Link` component for client-side links and reserve `router.push` for programmatic navigation.
  • If you’re experiencing issues with `router.push` and the `Link` component, try using the `useHref` hook from `next/router` to generate a URL that’s compatible with both.


In this article, we’ve explored the issue of why `router.push` from `next/navigation` doesn’t work as the `Link` component in Next.js 14. We’ve also discussed the solution, which involves using the correct `router` instance from `next/router`.

By following these guidelines and understanding the differences between `router.push` and the `Link` component, you can ensure seamless navigation in your Next.js applications.


Here are some frequently asked questions about `router.push` and the `Link` component:

What’s the difference between router.push and the Link component? The Link component is used for client-side links, while router.push is used for programmatic navigation.
Why doesn’t router.push work from next/navigation? It’s because next/navigation uses a new navigation API that’s incompatible with the router instance from next/router.
How can I make router.push work correctly from next/navigation? Use the useRouter hook from next/router instead of next/navigation.

We hope this article has helped you overcome the hurdle of using `router.push` from `next/navigation` in Next.js 14. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about Next.js 14 router push from next/navigation not working as Link component.

What is the difference between next/navigation and Link component in Next.js?

The main difference is that next/navigation is a built-in router in Next.js 14, whereas Link is a component from the next/link module. While both can be used for client-side routing, next/navigation provides more advanced features like automatic route blocking and better support for server-side rendering.

Why is router.push from next/navigation not working as expected?

This might be due to the fact that router.push returns a promise that resolves when the navigation is complete. You need to await this promise or handle the returned promise correctly to ensure the navigation is successful.

How can I debug issues with next/navigation router.push?

You can use the built-in Next.js debugging tools, such as the.Navigator console, to inspect the navigation flow and identify issues. Additionally, you can use a JavaScript debugger or logging statements to track the execution of your code.

Is there a way to make next/navigation router.push work like the Link component?

Yes, you can use the useNavigate hook from next/navigation to get a function that behaves similarly to the Link component. This hook provides a way to programmatically navigate to a new route.

What are some alternatives to next/navigation router.push for client-side routing?

You can use the Link component from next/link, or third-party libraries like react-router or reach/router. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that best fits your project’s needs.