Solving the Problem of using ‘Fill’ attribute in Tailwind with Next.js App
Image by Iona -

Solving the Problem of using ‘Fill’ attribute in Tailwind with Next.js App

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Hey there, fellow developers! Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why the ‘fill’ attribute isn’t working as expected in your Next.js app with Tailwind? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to dive deep into the solution to this problem and get your app looking fabulous in no time!

What’s the Issue?

So, you’ve probably found yourself in a situation where you’re trying to use the ‘fill’ attribute in your SVG elements, but it’s just not cooperating. You’ve added the attribute to your code, but the fill color remains the same. Frustrating, right? This issue is more common than you think, especially when working with Next.js and Tailwind.

A Quick Refresher on the ‘Fill’ Attribute

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review what the ‘fill’ attribute does. The ‘fill’ attribute is used to specify the fill color of an SVG element. It can take a variety of values, including colors, gradients, and even patterns. For example:

  <rect x="10" y="10" width="50" height="50" fill="#FF69B4" />

In this example, the ‘fill’ attribute is used to set the fill color of the rectangle to a lovely shade of pink.

Why Doesn’t it Work with Next.js and Tailwind?

So, why does the ‘fill’ attribute fail to work its magic when used in a Next.js app with Tailwind? The answer lies in how Tailwind processes and optimizes SVG elements.

Tailwind uses a utility-first approach to styling, which means it applies styles based on class names. When you use the ‘fill’ attribute in your SVG element, Tailwind doesn’t recognize it as a valid class name, so it gets ignored during the build process. This is why your ‘fill’ attribute seems to be doing nothing.

The Fix: Using the `svg` Class

Now that we know why the ‘fill’ attribute isn’t working, let’s talk about the solution. The good news is that it’s quite simple! All you need to do is add the `svg` class to your SVG element.

Here’s an updated version of our previous example:

<svg class="svg">
  <rect x="10" y="10" width="50" height="50" fill-current />

By adding the `svg` class, you’re telling Tailwind to treat the SVG element as an inline SVG, which allows the `fill` attribute to work as expected. The `fill-current` value sets the fill color to the current text color, which is defined by the parent element’s `text-color` class.

Using `fill` with Other SVG Elements

Now that we’ve solved the issue with the `rect` element, let’s explore how to use the `fill` attribute with other SVG elements.

Using `fill` with `path` Elements

The `path` element is another commonly used SVG element that can benefit from the `fill` attribute. Here’s an example:

<svg class="svg">
  <path d="M10,10 L20,20 L30,10 Z" fill="#FF69B4" />

In this example, the `fill` attribute sets the fill color of the `path` element to our beloved pink shade.

Using `fill` with `circle` Elements

And, of course, we can’t forget about the `circle` element! Here’s an example:

<svg class="svg">
  <circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20" fill="#FF69B4" />

As you can see, the `fill` attribute works beautifully with the `circle` element as well.

Best Practices for Using `fill` with Next.js and Tailwind

To ensure you get the most out of the `fill` attribute with Next.js and Tailwind, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Always add the `svg` class to your SVG elements: This ensures that Tailwind treats your SVG elements as inline SVGs, allowing the `fill` attribute to work as expected.
  • Use `fill-current` instead of hardcoding colors: By using `fill-current`, you can take advantage of Tailwind’s coloring system and avoid hardcoding colors in your SVG elements.
  • Keep your SVG elements concise: Try to keep your SVG elements as concise as possible to avoid unnecessary complexity.
  • Use a consistent naming convention: Establish a consistent naming convention for your SVG elements to make them easier to maintain and update.


And there you have it, folks! By following these simple steps and best practices, you should be able to use the `fill` attribute with ease in your Next.js app with Tailwind.

Remember, the key to successful development is understanding the underlying mechanics of the tools you’re working with. By grasping how Tailwind processes and optimizes SVG elements, you can unlock the full potential of the `fill` attribute and create beautiful, visually appealing interfaces for your users.

Happy coding, and may the `fill` attribute be with you!

Attribute Description
fill Sets the fill color of an SVG element.
fill-current Sets the fill color to the current text color.
svg Tells Tailwind to treat the SVG element as an inline SVG.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the topics discussed in this article, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy to help!

Stay tuned for more articles on mastering Next.js and Tailwind!Here is the FAQ section about using the ‘Fill’ attribute in Tailwind with a Next.js app:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about using the ‘Fill’ attribute in Tailwind with a Next.js app.

Why is the ‘Fill’ attribute not working in my Next.js app?

Make sure you have configured Tailwind correctly in your Next.js app. Check if you have imported Tailwind in your `globals.css` file and also configured the `tailwind.config.js` file. If you’re still facing issues, try restarting your development server or checking the console for any errors.

How do I use the ‘Fill’ attribute with a custom class in Tailwind?

To use the ‘Fill’ attribute with a custom class, simply add the `object-fill` utility class to your custom class. For example, if you have a custom class called `image`, you can use it like this: ``. This will apply the ‘Fill’ attribute to your image.

Can I use the ‘Fill’ attribute with a CSS framework other than Tailwind?

While the ‘Fill’ attribute is a part of Tailwind’s utility-first approach, you can still use it with other CSS frameworks. However, you’ll need to define the `object-fill` utility class yourself in your global CSS file or use a similar utility class provided by your CSS framework.

Why is my image not filling the container even after using the ‘Fill’ attribute?

Check if your container element has a fixed width and height. If not, add `w-full` and `h-full` classes to your container element to ensure it takes up the full width and height. Also, make sure your image element has the `object-fill` class applied to it.

Can I use the ‘Fill’ attribute with other HTML elements besides images?

Yes, the ‘Fill’ attribute can be used with other HTML elements that have an intrinsic height and width, such as videos or SVGs. Just apply the `object-fill` class to the element, and it will fill its parent container.